Artes Liberales
"I make bold to say that I never have despised anything
belonging to erudition,
but have learned much
which to others seemed to be trifling and foolish."
........................................................~Hugh of St. Victor
Conceit can’t quite reach the window into everyday irony.
It tries too hard.
The self-important taint of poetry battles rule-bound unoriginality.
Crime, folly and misfortune, war, the celebration of blood and guts--
Take it; put it to use.
Penetrate the center.
The force of the witness searches through vanity's sacred hollow.
You have to remake the same story over and over again (she said)
Seven angels on hand have grounds to judge the wind--all there is.
Over the rant the entry point rattles: repeat repeat repeat.
Inhale ephemeral destruction.
Pleasure finality.
Lay down the pen.
11 hours ago
I shall construct an argument for beauty. It seems ridiculous that I should have to, but I will.
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