October 17, 2006

Loopity Loops

When Jesus Christ came upon the Earth,
you killed Him. The son of your own God.
And only after He was dead did you worship Him
and start killing those who would not.
-- Tecumseh

Fire, cancer, home invasions, politicians
on mad horses--yellow gods. Humdingers.
Have you ever seen the rain? Blue on blue.
Daffodils. Daisies. Dodder. Gadzooks!
Win the lottery. Never clean house.
Perfect figure. Perfect health.
One day you must have learned cursive.
Q like two. S like a backwards treble clef.
Now, insert kazoo and blow. Just as I am.

October 01, 2006


I can't pretend to understand
what strange passion compels
your lonely midnight vigils
near the ripe corpse
of a slaughtered hog.

Does hunger
(or curiosity)
lure coyote
to his death?

I can't pretend to understand
the trickster's glory;
but, on my ears I wear your gift--
ivory canines set in silver.
Perhaps their whispers will explain.